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AC re[air near me


What Causes Your Air Conditioner to Stop Working?


There are many reasons AC units might stop working, including:

  • Mechanical complications

  • Dirty air filters

  • Low refrigerant

  • A blocked condenser unit

  • A defective thermostat

  • Frozen evaporator coils

Low Refrigerant

If left unchecked, low refrigerant will eventually lead to frozen evaporator coils. This can cause many complications.

Signs your AC Unit is likely too low on refrigerant:

  • Your electric bill rapidly increases

  • Ice appears on refrigerant lines

  • Water leaks around the heater

  • Your home won’t cool

  • Your vents blow warm air

  • The programmed temperature is never reached

  • You hear hissing or bubbling noises in the AC unit

Fortunately, it is possible to prevent these problems by taking proactive steps, such as:

  • Checking refrigerant levels

  • Changing your air filters

  • Keeping supply vents open

  • Increasing fan speed

  • Checking for thermostat failure

  • Inspecting the condensate drain

  • Making sure window units are angled correctly

Frozen Evaporator Coils

Another common cause of frozen evaporator coils is a lack of airflow. Over time, insufficient airflow will cause the coil’s condensation to freeze over. The presence of ice on evaporator coils can create a feedback loop where more ice forms until the coils are entirely frozen.

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