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Lafayette, LA HVAC

Signs That It Might Be Time To Replace Your AC Unit

When your air conditioner isn’t working as well as it should, it’ll give you some (subtle and not so subtle) indicators that something may be wrong. Never ignore these signs, as it could mean the difference between a temperature-controlled home and one that compromises your family’s health and safety.


Warm Air

Warm air coming from your vent isn’t entirely a significant issue, as your AC needs time to adjust. However, if it takes longer than a minute or two for your air conditioner to emit cool air, it could be time to call in the experts.


Insufficient Airflow

When the air from your AC begins to circulate, you’ll notice a significant change in the temperature in every room in your home or commercial building. With insufficient airflow, you’ll have spaces that don’t get as cool as others or rooms that are freezing. Our AC installation specialists want to help you get even air distribution.


Frequent Cycles

A major sign you may need air conditioning replacement includes frequent cycling, also called short cycling. This means your AC constantly turns on to regulate the temperature, even though the interior temperature hasn’t changed. You could have an issue with your AC unit and need a replacement.


High Humidity

Humidity can play a significant role in your decision to replace your current AC. Why? Humidity levels inside that are higher than 50% may cause your older AC unit to overwork to compensate. With this comes uneven cooling and wear and tear on your HVAC system. Allow our technicians to recommend and install an updated AC unit for your needs.


Water Leaks

Leaks of any kind from your air conditioner require the assistance of a licensed professional as it signals a disruption of the normal cooling cycle. Not only can leaks bring water, but they can also mean foul odors and mold. Let our air conditioning install pros take care of your air conditioning installation.

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